Arnaud Méthivier, nicknamed "Nano", is a french accordionist, singer, composer, dancer, actor, visual artist and creator of artistic events.
TTT Télémara newspaper
The epic bellows
Forget the clichés on the piano with straps: He reinvents it by mixing all the styles.
"... And then, appearing out of nowhere, a majestic roar, a gasp with a metallic breath, between fog horn and raging train, bangs you in the guts, twists your temples. It's the Nano accordion. A multifaceted accordion, capable of evoking Ennio Morricone as well as Deep Purple, Astor Piazzola and Brian Eno. Forget the snapshots franchouillards, waltz musette, Tour de France, turn youth and friendly taverns. Nano has reinvented the instrument. From this armada of pearly buttons linked to an undulating belly, he gave birth to a hybrid monster as comfortable in electro as in rock, classical or jazz, tango or waltz, but well better than that: an indefinable mix of styles and rhythms, colors and atmospheres, guttural chants and high sighs, words and onomatopoeias. As he says: "I don't know where to be. Sometimes I feel like I'm doing theater or cinema rather than music. I offer people an uninterrupted trip, totally improvised. I want to take them elsewhere, in a hard-to-reach place, where you rarely go: deep down. ""
Arnaud "Nano Méthivier", artiste expérimental, imaginateur artistique, aventurier, colporteur de culture, travaille depuis une dizaine d’années sur le concept des arts de pleine nature, y compris la nature humaine, par des créations artistiques protéiformes, des créations de festivals, d'espaces culturels, de centres de recherche et des productions audiovisuelles.
Par ses multiples expériences , dont la composition musicale autour de l’accordéon, il cherche à provoquer un comportement différent du spectateur pour rechercher avec le public, les moyens de combattre la passivité, la dépendance ou le conditionnement idéologique, en développant les capacités de réflexion, de comparaison, d’analyse, de création, d’action.
Artiste expérimental – Imaginateur artistique - Aventurier - facilitateur de rencontres humaines -
Tragulinu di a cultura (colporteur de culture)

TTT Télémara newspaper
The epic bellows
Forget the clichés on the piano with straps: He reinvents it by mixing all the styles.
"... And then, appearing out of nowhere, a majestic roar, a gasp with a metallic breath, between fog horn and raging train, bangs you in the guts, twists your temples. It's the Nano accordion. A multifaceted accordion, capable of evoking Ennio Morricone as well as Deep Purple, Astor Piazzola and Brian Eno. Forget the snapshots franchouillards, waltz musette, Tour de France, turn youth and friendly taverns. Nano has reinvented the instrument. From this armada of pearly buttons linked to an undulating belly, he gave birth to a hybrid monster as comfortable in electro as in rock, classical or jazz, tango or waltz, but well better than that: an indefinable mix of styles and rhythms, colors and atmospheres, guttural chants and high sighs, words and onomatopoeias. As he says: "I don't know where to be. Sometimes I feel like I'm doing theater or cinema rather than music. I offer people an uninterrupted trip, totally improvised. I want to take them elsewhere, in a hard-to-reach place, where you rarely go: deep down. ""